I was kind of shocked to hear about this trend as it seemed like the perfect setup for lawsuits,but maybe the customers are so happy they don't care if they drown. I'm talking about beer spas,places where you have a 30 minute beer bath complete with a tap and all you can drink. To explain a little more accurately the bath and tap are separate and the bath is kept at 98.6 degrees and bubbles continuously to distribute the vitamins,carbohydrates and proteins found in the brew. It is a very old and unique therapy which promotes health and leaves the bather invigorated. In case you are wondering if you shower upon leaving the beer bath the answer is no,to enjoy the full benefits of the spa it is advised to wait at least 12 hours before showering. After your 30 minute bath you can either relax on a warmed bed or enjoy a massage. I'm thinking they must have you sign a waiver before you begin your treatment,as last I knew drinking and massages were not a healthful combination and I would think a warmed bed might not be that great of an idea either,but hey! after free beer for the duration who cares?

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