Today's post is wrong in so many ways it's hard to know where to start. A 47 year old Georgia woman tried to buy a baby on Craigslist which is the first error of judgement. Why would anyone try to buy a baby on Craigslist? Do people often sell babies on Craigslist? You might think that the woman was having a midlife crisis and wanted a baby for herself,but NO! She was buying it for her 14 year old daughter. I'm sorry but what does a 14 year old need a baby for? Any adult should have been either able to convince the daughter to try a pet first or better yet just say NO. But wait there's more! The woman received several responses from people willing to sell their babies! Somewhere along the line the police were alerted and they set up a sting operation and needless to say both mother and daughter are now safely ensconced in their separate lockups.

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