Why people think they have to feed/domesticate wild animals is beyond me and it never ends well. For instance a Florida neighborhood is under siege because a neighbor decided she needed to feed vultures. The vultures quickly took over and have nearly destroyed two homes in the area. Imagine the damage they can do with their beaks since the can bite through bone,meaning things like screens and wood are little deterrent to blocking them. Then of course you have the stench of a thousand rotting corpses,the feces and the ever lovely vomit. The vomit is highly corrosive about the same as acid rain and they vomit a lot since it is a defense mechanism,which also leaves out the option of startling them into leaving plus the are a protected species so they can't go in and eliminate them without special permits. All this trouble over one woman who couldn't follow the simple rules of not feeding the wildlife making the neighborhood a haven for foul fowls.

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