I don't think it would be entirely off base to say some of the most dangerous drugs are completely legal,in fact some aren't even considered drugs despite their chemical makeup. A perfect example is the sweetener known as Splenda. Like other sugar substitutes it is presented as a healthy alternative to sugar,but let's look a little closer. Was it chance or an inside joke that Splenda was released on April fools day 1998? Is it chance that it is neither sugar nor calorie free? (contains a mixture of sucralose,maltodextrine and dextrose.) Sucralose is a chemical 600 times sweeter than sugar,it is made with chlorine which is harmless when combined with sodium in an ionic bond,but when combined with carbon it forms a covalent bond. Covalent bonds yield things like insecticides,pesticides and herbicides,in fact Splenda was being tested as an insecticide when they accidentally discovered it was sweet,and from there it was set on the "we'll call this healthy" path. The real health ramifications are too numerous to list and keep this blog within a reasonable length. Let me close by saying,there are healthy choices out there,stevia being one. Think before you willingly poison yourself!

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