I've been chewing on this one for days and it still doesn't make sense to me. People are paying around $1,100 (plus a month recovery time) to have their palm lines surgically altered. The work is done with an electric scalpel rather than a laser,as the lines created by laser heal. Okay,here is the part that I can't wrap my head around...if you believe in palmistry how would changing the natural lines in your palm make a difference in how long you live,how successful you are,or if you are lucky in love? Wouldn't the natural lines have the final say? Maybe I am missing something really obvious as I am in no way an expert on either palmistry or surgery of the palm. Any suggestions?

That is just bizarre. Years ago my friend and I had our palms read at a psychic fair and the reader said I have the longest lines she'd ever seen. Now I have carpel tunnel scars on both hands.