The purpose of products is becoming blurred to the point of confusion. It used to be you bought shoes and jeans strictly as apparel,but not so anymore. Shoes are not only shoes,now they can also be exercise devices,and I'm sure there will be other claims as well,if there aren't already. Jeans have been an all purpose wardrobe item for years,but now they are also available for cellulite reduction and moisturizing. They are called Denim Spa jeans and are treated with rose hip oil,retinol,caffeine and shea butter. The ingredients are sprayed onto the jeans and then dried on in an oven. The jeans are cut tight so the friction releases the micro-capsules. Now for the bad news...the treatment only lasts 6-8 washes,although some types can be re-spritzed and the cost is $150. Stop me if I'm wrong,but does the gal in this picture look like she is troubled with cellulite?

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