Today I would like to pose a question before I get started...Why don't Adolf Hitler costumes make an appearance on Halloween? I know most people would think it was in bad taste,but Halloween is more about being scary than it is about good taste (other than the treats,of course!). Next up I hope to offer a few facts about Hitler that you may not know. In 1938 he was Time magazine's Man of the Year. He had a German Shepherd named Blondi (appropriate name,considering) and he gave the order to have sex dolls manufactured for the troops. The Nazi soldiers were suffering as much from syphilis as from battle while stationed in Paris. The dolls were blue eyed blondes (who would have guessed?) and smaller than life size so they would fit into the backpacks of the soldiers. The project was canceled after two years as the soldiers refused to carry the dolls for fear of embarrassment if they were captured.

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