The other morning while I was in the shower I had a bingo moment and thought I knew what was causing a friend to have an ongoing scalp problem. I called her after I was done and told her my brainstorm,which she said may or may not be valid,but the real problem was she couldn't seem to leave it alone long enough for it to heal. As the conversation progressed she mentioned how everyone was always trying to fix that same problem in a multitude of ways. I could easily relate to how that works as I have experienced the same thing with my skin problem for more years than I care to count. When the conversation came to an end we both agreed it was human nature to try to help,or fix people's problems when you care about them,but I kept coming back to that idea throughout the day. I kept thinking about however well intended suggestions were, at times they were simply unwanted. At that point I begin to see how trying to fix problems for others could be misconstrued as trying to change them or being a busy body and that left me wondering if it would be possible to retrain myself from what I always considered a harmless attempt at helping friends. Even though for the most part I have never minded the unsolicited advice I have received, would I want to be thought of as a fixer upper?

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