Have you ever heard of the ancient art of Rumpology? I hadn't,in fact I thought it sounded like the start of a joke,but it was actually practiced in several ancient cultures. The Greeks thought the derriere was the key to health and fidelity,the Romans used prints of the gluteus maximus to determine talents and future success,somewhat the way palmistry is used today. In modern times it is often referred to simply as butt reading. The lines,crevices,dimples and folds are examined to divine the individual's character and to help understand what has occurred in the past and predict the future. As with fingerprints,no two people share the same butt and markings (I would hope not!). The left cheek reveals the past,the right the future. The most significant part of the posterior in a reading is...wait for it...the butt crack! In in famous words of Dave Barry,I am not making this up!

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