I'm sorry,but I just can't go along with this one,seriously if people can get disability for a music addiction,what's next?
A 42 year old metal head,with multiple tattoos, finally (after 10 years) succeeded in having three psychologists sign a form that classifies his music addiction as a handicap. He is only able to hold a part-time job as a dishwasher because his addiction caused him to attend 300 concerts in the last year leaving him unable to hold a full time job (I wonder how it is affecting his hearing...maybe eventually he will be able to open another disability claim? plus how did he finance his addiction if he couldn't work??) His current job allows him to dress as he wants and listen to heavy metal while washing dishes,and he gets time off to go to concerts. It has been argued that Sweden (ever liberal!) could be accused of enabling the addiction by allowing his heavy metal lifestyle.

A 42 year old metal head,with multiple tattoos, finally (after 10 years) succeeded in having three psychologists sign a form that classifies his music addiction as a handicap. He is only able to hold a part-time job as a dishwasher because his addiction caused him to attend 300 concerts in the last year leaving him unable to hold a full time job (I wonder how it is affecting his hearing...maybe eventually he will be able to open another disability claim? plus how did he finance his addiction if he couldn't work??) His current job allows him to dress as he wants and listen to heavy metal while washing dishes,and he gets time off to go to concerts. It has been argued that Sweden (ever liberal!) could be accused of enabling the addiction by allowing his heavy metal lifestyle.

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