There have always been two absolute cures for hangovers...don't drink or stay drunk(three cures if you want to count time),but now due to research done at none other than the Mayo Clinic, Sprite may be added to the list. The alcohol isn't the actual cause of hangovers,it is the way the body processes it. Alcohol causes a body to produce more urine,in turn causing dehydration (and what I think of as "The African Thirst") it also triggers an inflammatory response in the immune system. Alcohol also irritates the lining of the stomach,causes blood sugar to fall and expands blood vessels,causing headaches,for the bonus it also interferes with the quality of sleep. Researchers focused on how to stop the chemicals produced by alcohol from lingering in the body by testing 57 different beverages. Herbal teas were found to slow the process while Sprite and soda water accelerated it. To recap what we have learned today...hangovers are seldom fatal (though they sometimes feel that way) and how research dollars are spent!

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