No today's blog is not about the early acting career of Will Smith,it is about attempts spanning many decades to include scent as part of the movie experience. Various methods with various names have been used for this,some of the early methods involved things as simple as a wad of cotton soaked in rose oil then placed in front of a fan,from that point on attempts were made with injecting scents into the theater seats to be released whey triggered by the soundtrack,to the less than successful scents sprayed from the ceiling allowing the smells to linger then later mix. Some of the names for these processes were: Smell-o-Rama,Smell-o-Vision,AromaRama and the more recent Odorama. Odorama utilized scratch and sniff cards that contained numbers that corresponded to a number flashed on the screen when it was time to scratch that scent. Primitive as Odorama may seem it would have been my number one choice. Who wants to be exposed to less than pleasant scents when the only course of action is plugging your nose and time? At least with the use of a card you could control how much you smelled the scent and not have it get in the way of enjoying the film.

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