Saturday, January 4, 2025


 Today's post explores some predictions for 2025 that were made in 1925, some are fairly accurate while others aren't.  A British Nobel prize winner in medicine predicted people would live to at least 150 if not longer. H. G. Wells thought there would not be numerous nations but only three great masses of people, the United States of America, the United States of Europe and China. A British scientist believed there would be radio alarm clocks to avoid oversleeping and house and public clocks would be synchronized by signals sent several times a day, he also believed women would compete equally with men in all branches of science and would also scorn being called the "fair" sex. A few more random predictions:

  A substitute for sleep would be found. Its chief ingredient would probably be acid sodium phosphate.

∎ Chemistry would be used to produce synthetic foods, making them chiefly out of nitrogen from the atmosphere.

∎ People would use a pocket-sized apparatus for communications to see and hear each other without being in the same room.

∎ There would be world peace, a common world currency and universal free trade.

How are we doing so far??

Friday, January 3, 2025


 Starting in 2025 and continuing through 2039 we will have a new generation, Gen Beta. It's only logical that Beta comes after Alpha but it still seem like a somewhat degrading name for this generation. On the plus side some of the Gen Betas will live into the 22nd century and their parents (Millennials and Gen Zers) will hopefully impress upon their Betas the importance of climate change to a sustainable planet. With that said here is a list of the generation names of the last hundred years.

  Greatest Generation: 1901-1927

◾ Silent Generation: 1928-1945 (age 80+)

◾ Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 (age 61-79)

◾ Generation X: 1965-1979 (age 46-60)

◾ Millennials: 1980-1994 (age 31-45)

◾ Generation Z: 1995-2009 (age 16-30)

◾ Gen Alpha: 2010-2024 (age 15 and younger)

Thursday, January 2, 2025


 Though New Year's resolutions have been around since 2000 B.C. they have changed with the times, in the early days common resolutions were mostly about returning borrowed farm equipment and knight renewing their vow of chivalry. Since resolutions are mainly done at the first of the year, Janus the Roman god who January was named for comes into play as he represents looking both back and forward allowing for both reflection and resolution and he is the one you're promising your resolution to. Now for a look at how resolutions have evolved. 

Resolutions From 1947 - Gallup Poll
1. Improve my disposition, be more understanding, control my temper
2. Improve my character, live a better life
3. Stop smoking, smoke less
4. Save more money
5. Stop drinking, drink less
6. Be more religious, go to church more often
7. Be more efficient and do a better job
8. Take better care of my health
9. Take a greater part in home life
10. Lose (or gain) weight

Today’s Resolutions
1. Lose weight
2. Get organized
3. Spend less, save more
4. Enjoy life to the fullest
5. Stay fit and healthy
6. Learn something exciting
7. Quit smoking
8. Help others fulfill their dreams
9. Fall in love
10. Spend more time with family

A surprising statistic 68% of the people who make resolutions keep them! 

For those AI readers today...Spam Alert! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


Are we all set to start a new year? Let's wipe the slate clean and make the most of it.

1/1 World Day of Peace 

1/2 National Buffet Day 

1/3 Festival of Sleep Day 

1/4 Trivia Day 

1/5 Whipped Cream Day 

1/6 Bean Day 

1/7 National Bobblehead Day 

1/8 Snuggle a Chicken Day 

1/9 National Cassoulet Day 

1/10 Houseplant Appreciation Day 

1/11 Eagle Day 

1/12 Kiss a Ginger Day 

1/13 Rubber Ducky Day 

1/14 World Logic Day 

1/15 National Hat Day 

1/16 National Nothing Day 

1/17 Popeye Day 

1/18 Thesaurus Day 

1/19 National Popcorn Day 

1/20 National Cheese Lovers Day 

1/21 Mariachi Day 

1/22 Roe vs. Wade Day 

1/23 National Pie Day 

1/24 Belly Laugh Day 

1/25 Fruitcake Toss Day 

1/26 Clashing Clothes Day 

1/27 National Geographic Day 

1/28 National Kazoo Day 

1/29 National Puzzle Day 

1/30 Croissant Day 

1/31 Street Children Day