Thursday, October 31, 2019

Nose Job

An Australian man who had been in prison 18 years ago went to the doctor complaining of sinus problems. They doctor ordered a CAT scan which revealed a rhinolith that had developed around a balloon filled with marijuana. Then the man remembered that his girlfriend had smuggled in a balloon which he had stuck up his right nostril to avoid detection,it then worked its way further up his nose until he thought he had swallowed it,but it had remained in his nose for the entire time. Do I need to mention that the marijuana had decayed? and apparently there were no legal repercussions.

The man mistakenly assumed he had swallowed the drugs
Doctors Find 18-Year-Old Bag of Weed Lodged in the Nostril of Former Prisoner

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Perfect Accident

If there is even a thing as a perfect accident it would be just like the following scenario: A college student was driving home from a haunted house event when she hit a deer. She had been dressed as Carrie (from the Stephen King book of the same name) to promote an upcoming production of the musical she was performing in. Picture if you will the first responders coming on the scene to find a woman in a white dress covered in blood,then as with most accidents other people kept showing up and each time they all wanted to know why she wasn't being treated when there was blood everywhere! Her only real injury,other than the car was a bruise on her leg.
Sidney Wolfe dressed up as Carrie White to promote her upcoming role in "Carrie The Musical."
Sidney Wolfe crashed her car while wearing a costume to promote "Carrie The Musical."

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Warts and All

The phrase "warts and all" is said to come from Oliver Cromwell who gave those instructions to the painter commissioned to paint his portrait and has come to mean taking a person with all their faults. That phrase seemed apt for today's post since an Arizona woman went off on the school photographer who offered two types of airbrushing services for the 8 year old class pictures. I'm completely with the mom on this,what kind of message does it send to an 8 year old when their actual looks aren't good enough? and people wonder why some of the kids today have messed up self images. Never mind that it alters the reality of what the kids actually looked like growing up which at times can be comical but should not be striving for perfection.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Do You Know Podunk?

Most folks feel like they have probably been to Podunk at least once if not more often and since there is actually more than one Podunk that is entirely possible. Connecticut,New York,Vermont and Massachusetts are all homes to Podunks but when researchers have searched for the meaning of the word there is no sure definition. It is agreed that the origin lies in the Algonquian languages as do many words in our language but with the language rapidly dying there is no definitive meaning for the word. Top linguistics experts say the meanings you may find are only guesses and the closest  definition comes from the Nipmuc Indian Association,Podunk where you sink in the mire,or a boggy place. Now you know Podunk!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sunday Smiles

A friend is traveling in and around Australia and I've been reminiscing about my trip down under,one of the many things that I noticed was the difference in signs and names for things. For instance an auto body shop was called a smash shop,the crosswalk signals started playing a Pac-Man type tune when your crossing time was about up and the one thing I can't remember is what the sign was for "No Wake". Without further ado I'll present some odd signs for your amusement.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Scream Span

Nothing is sacred in the days of mass media,for instance the Edvard Munch painting "The Scream" has been used for a scene from "Home Alone",the mask of the killer in "Scream" and now it has been presented as a floppy eared spaniel. The sad part is most people don't know which one was the original.

Friday, October 25, 2019


Researchers in Virginia have discovered that when rats get behind the wheel of tiny rat cars that it lowers their stress levels...sure,fine, then let's build some tiny rat gridlock situations and see how that works for their stress levels! I'm not sure how they got to the point a making tiny rat cars or the cost for that matter but the bottom line was that when rats have playthings like ladders and toys their mental capacity increases over that of your ordinary run of the mill rat. The good part of this research is they believe it also applies to people with depression and other mental illnesses in that when they are mentally stimulated it improves their mental capacity, to which I would like to say,duh.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nailed It

I haven't a clue what possessed this man who decided to save his fingernail clippings for a year to make an engagement ring unless maybe he was possessed. Actually he probably did it just for YouTube purposes since that is where the whole sordid procedure ended up plus it is never mentioned if he had anyone in mind to give it to. After collecting his nails for a year he ground them up with some water,then compressed them and baked them for 90 minutes (no,it doesn't give the temp setting!) The result was a dull black lump which he then set into a silver ring he had also made. There's nothing wrong with homemade rings or jewelry but I would personally draw the line at fingernail clippings being the main ingredient. No he wasn't from Florida...he was Japanese.