Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Giggles and Grins

 This is such a good idea and fun for everyone involved. A pet charity in the UK charges an entry fee to submit funny animal photos with the proceeds going to raise homeless pet awareness. The winning photo receives a cash prize of $3,870. What a task to select which photos to include! 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Not There Yet

 I've been working on what could be construed as a prejudice for overly tattooed people but I'm not quite there. I understand it's their body and everyone's tastes are different but it still feels like a kind of in your face attempt at shock. I have learned to appreciate tattoos of sentimental value and some of the sleeves I've seen are quite beautiful,actually artwork. Today I came across two different men with most of their bodies covered in ink,one is 95% covered and I see no artistic value in his ink,the other man's tats are much nicer and he used to teach kindergarten until one child complained of nightmares because of his blacked out eyes,he didn't loose his job though they just moved him to teaching ages six and up. He hopes that he is teaching students to be more accepting of people different from them so they will be more open minded as adults. So if I think his tattoos are better than the other man's tattoos does that make me judgmental? There's just no winning for me in this instance. 

Monday, September 28, 2020

Coming Into Focus

 The word heard most often when describing 2020 is unprecedented though I believe a more accurate term would be un-presidented since that is the root cause of our grief. Are the trumpers finally considering that they have been conned? Probably not it will take more than that for them to admit anything is wrong,they would rather go down banging the drum,I'm referring to the NY Times publishing trump's taxes which of course he labeled "fake news" if nothing else I wish he could come up with better excuses for his many transgressions. Speaking of transgressions or maybe egress-ions would be a better fit,remember him walking down the ramp or rather tottering down the ramp? It was as if he were walking on cloven hooves which brings me to my latest Scottish mythology Black Donald is what they call the devil and whatever disguise he chooses his cloven hooves betray him. If the shoe fits or rather if the shoe doesn't fit... 

Sunday, September 27, 2020

More Weird Ideas

 We all know that phobias are irrational fears though that does little to help those afflicted. This time of year I always think about the arachnophobic people and how it must be for them to deal with their fears literally closing in on them. I was thinking of ways to make it better for them,the phobics not the spiders,and thought that maybe if they could see the webs better they could steer clear more easily. With that thought my mind went off on a tangent,what if spider webs were neon instead of clear? I didn't see many flaws with my plan...other than the fact that birds would be able to find them easier and of course the obvious glaring flaw,how to get the spiders to spin neon webs. Oh well,back to the drawing board. 


Saturday, September 26, 2020

Florida's Wake-up Call

 It was a pleasant surprise to read about the "Melting Florida" campaign who are installing various wax sculptures in public places that reveal messages about climate change once the wax melts. Even though I often take jabs at Florida because of the abundance of weirdness there it doesn't mean I think the whole state is a waste and this group (CLEO)is pointing things in the right direction. The artistic metaphors the sculptures point out are how human caused climate change is impacting the flora and fauna and how the hurricane season,coastal flooding and extreme temperatures are all worsening. Thank you CLEO for the  effort,I hope your message is received and acted on. 

Friday, September 25, 2020

Just Say Nuke It

 Even after the world saw the death and destruction unleashed when nuclear bombs were dropped in Japan bringing an end to WWII scientists were busy thinking of ways to use that power. The ideas were as vast as the destruction caused by the bombs. They thought they could blast deeper shipping canals (Suez was mentioned)and make new harbors overnight in places to difficult to use manpower such as Alaska. Fortunately these plans never came to fruition as more reasonable minds prevailed. Today we find ourselves placed back into those uncertain times when a world leader suggests nuking hurricanes (which was also discussed in the 40's and 50's) and other bizarre thoughts because for some reason everyone is afraid to cross this madman. So,call me paranoid,but what if he is voted out but before the next president can take the reins he decides to set off some nukes thinking him and his cronies will be safe in the bunker? Never a thought for all the death it would cause,nor for the fact that once his supplies ran out no one would be there with more. Scary day when a man such as this is in charge of a country with nukes. 

Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Nose Knows

 Dogs are truly amazing creatures who continue to adapt to our changing world and contribute to it whenever they can. The latest canine job is being a Covid sniffer at the Helsinki airport. All it requires of the traveler is to swab their neck with a wipe for a sweat sample which is then presented to one of the dogs. The whole process takes around a minute and is less invasive than other methods and a lot more accurate. When the dogs have a positive reaction to the wipe the traveler is sent to the airport's health center for further testing. The dogs are both cheaper and faster than swabs. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Dinning High

 No,not that kind of high! Literally high, as in suspended 164 feet by a crane,strapped into your seat around a table set for four while well known chefs prepare food in the center. Sky dining started in 2006 in Belgium and had been set up in 60 different countries before Covid. The dining experience just relaunched earlier this month after having to close earlier in the year due to the pandemic. They offer three different lunch sittings and two sittings for dinner at a cost of $350. Though I enjoy a nice view with a meal I'm not sure if I'd enjoy this particular experience,it seem more like combining a meal with a carnival ride,but that's just my take! 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

CEO Opening

Today's post could be filed under "sounds to good to be true" but it's for real. Michelob Ultra is searching for a Chief Exploration Officer (CEO) to spend six months exploring national parks and drinking beer. The company will provide a camper van complete with shower,bathroom and fridge filled with beer along with expenses and $50,000. The job can be either done alone or with a companion of one's choosing including pets. The parks to be visited include: Yosemite,Sequoia,Joshua Tree,Big Bend and Saguaro.Applications will be accepted through September 30. 


Monday, September 21, 2020

You've Come a Long Way Baby

 Barbara Millicent Roberts aka Barbie didn't really start out as the Barbie we know in her various incarnations today. Originally she was drawn as a baby to fill a blank space in a German paper,the Bild-Zeitung in 1952 but the cartoonist's boss rejected the baby drawing so the cartoonist kept the baby's face and added a voluptuous woman's body and named her Lilli. She was an instant hit with the adult male population and was made into a doll sold in  bars and tobacco shops for gag gifts and bachelor parties. In 1956 while vacationing in Switzerland Ruth Handler,Barbie's creator, noticed all the Lilli dolls and got the  idea for the Barbie we all know today.