Today's post explores some predictions for 2025 that were made in 1925, some are fairly accurate while others aren't. A British Nobel prize winner in medicine predicted people would live to at least 150 if not longer. H. G. Wells thought there would not be numerous nations but only three great masses of people, the United States of America, the United States of Europe and China. A British scientist believed there would be radio alarm clocks to avoid oversleeping and house and public clocks would be synchronized by signals sent several times a day, he also believed women would compete equally with men in all branches of science and would also scorn being called the "fair" sex. A few more random predictions:
A substitute for sleep would be found. Its chief ingredient would probably be acid sodium phosphate.
∎ Chemistry would be used to produce synthetic foods, making them chiefly out of nitrogen from the atmosphere.
∎ People would use a pocket-sized apparatus for communications to see and hear each other without being in the same room.
∎ There would be world peace, a common world currency and universal free trade.
How are we doing so far??
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