Monday, September 9, 2024

Don't Ask

 People are finally figuring out that if you ask for an online vote to name public properties they might not get an everyday type name. In 2011 an Indiana town asked people to name the new government center, the people opted for Harry Baals, the name of a mayor from 1930. In 2015 the B.C. Ferry Service asked internet users to name its newest ships, the entries included: Spirit of the Wallet Sucker, The Floating Crapsickle, Royal Docksitter, The Coastal Corruption, HMS Cantafford, and Queen of the Damned. Despite these results Michigan recently launched a contest for a new "I voted" sticker design, 57,000 people voted for the sticker designed by a 12 year old showing a howling werewolf ripping his shirt off, but hey, they asked! 

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