Friday, February 26, 2021

Heavy on the Mayo

Mayo is kind of magical stuff,along with the primary use as a condiment it has countless other uses,various hair and skin treatments and numerous household tips rely on mayo. Mayo is currently starring as a sea turtle rescue tool. While the cause of the oil spill is still under investigation the oil tar off the shores of Israel is being consumed by the wildlife causing many varieties to perish. Fortunately for the green sea turtles mayo is being employed to break up the tar that builds up in their throats and can eventually lead to death. The lecithin in the mayo makes the oil stick to it so it can be carried through the digestive system and pooped out. I'm assuming once the oil/tar is pooped out it can be collected and properly disposed of since the turtles are being treated at a wildlife center. Once the animals are given a clean bill of health they are released. 

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