Friday, August 30, 2024

Bringing Home the Bacon, Cheese, and Butter

 Most everyone uses idioms in their everyday speaking, today we will take a look at how a few of them came into our language. Bringing home the bacon means being the top earner, there are two possible origins of the phrase. In the 12th century the English awarded couples with a flinch of bacon for their devotion, the second comes from 1906 when the mother of a boxer urged him to win his match and bring home the bacon. Next up is how cheesy came into use, though the exact origin is unclear it's thought that it was comparing cheap or tacky things to cheeses that have unpleasant odors. To butter someone up doesn't seem like it should mean flattery but historians think it came from an Indian custom of throwing ghee at statues of Hindu gods to gain their favor. Now you have your food for thought for the day! 

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