Monday, August 19, 2024


Just about any item offered for sale is considerably less in volume/size than it once was. Think of cereals and chips for instance they give you less product for a higher price which wouldn't be such a crime if that money wasn't going to pay a CEO an outrageous salary, but once again I digress. Perhaps the worst example of shrinkflation is toilet paper and hardly anyone notices because it is a necessity so you pay more money for less paper. The worst offender is Charmin, back in the 1970s they gave you 650 sheets per roll, but 1979 it was down to 400 sheets though the current amount is 56 sheets per roll. When will this insanity stop? At one sheet? I encourage you to look at other options rather than continue to be scalped by Charmin, they are out there you just need to put in a little work to find them. Good luck! 


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