Friday, April 19, 2019

Then and Now

For some Friday fun I found pictures from icons of the past retouched with modern styles,I will include most of the names. 
French general Napoleon was given a spiky hairdo and swapped the military uniform for a fitted business suit

Queen Elizabeth I's familiar beehive was removed in favour of some flowing red locks
Queen Elizabeth I
Flock of Seagulls: Albert Einstein's wild haircut remained but he was given a more controlled look with gel and mousse
Still with the wild hair!
Henry VIII lost the fine jewels, fur stockings and tunic and was given a stylish blue suit and white shirt
Henry VIII
Hipster Elvis lost his guitar and was given a beanie hat, denim shirt and sleeve tattoos for his modern makeover
First president of the United States George Washington as he would look if he was a modern politician or general
President Abraham Lincoln lost his chinstrap beard and was given a more stylish haircut to imagine what he would look like if he was alive today
Honest Abe 

'The Bard' William Shakespeare lost his 16th century ruff and was given a check shirt, a grey waistcoat and quiff hairstyle
Actress Marilyn Monroe was given a longer more modern hairdo to contrast her famous style

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