Thursday, June 30, 2022


 What is it about religious folks that makes them think everyone should go by their rules? and it seems to be getting worse. In North Carolina two people were fired for not attending the Christian prayer meetings which is illegal,or wait is it?? Then in the UK a "christian" threatened to take legal action on a bakery for naming a sandwich Cheesus Christ,claiming it discriminated against Christians. Seriously people? If you are so offended don't shop at that bakery,problem solved. Why are they (Christians) insisting we all march to their drummer? Most of the world's problems stem from religion and money and they just keep repeating the same crap and expecting different outcomes which is the definition of insanity in case anyone forgot. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2022


 The differences between men and women are vast as the following quotes highlight. 

Men are stupid and women are crazy. And the reason women are so crazy is because men are so stupid. George Carlin 

Being a woman is a terribly difficult trade,since it consists principally of dealing with men. Joseph Conrad

A woman's guess is much more accurate than a man's certainty. Oscar Wilde 

I have yet to hear a man ask for advice on how to combine marriage and a career. Gloria Steinem 

Men and women,women and men. It will never work. Erica Jong 

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Human Burger?

 We are living in weird times and as if to prove that statement a new vegan burger has been introduced which is supposed to taste like human flesh. Seems like a contradiction and never mind how they determined it tasted like human flesh because they aren't offering that information. The burger is a combination of soya,mushroom and wheat protein,plant based fats and a mysterious spice mixture. They claim the idea is that their vegan burgers can be made to taste like any meat and since it won a top prize at a recent Cannes Lion Festival there must be cannibals among us just waiting for that vegan burger that tastes like human flesh. 

Monday, June 27, 2022

Waist Not

 Who knew Jeans didn't get their name until the 1960s? When I think back to that time I know it must be right because Jeans were called either work pants or dungarees depending on local vernacular. It seems like there was another name too but it escapes me at this time. When Levi Strauss first started marketing them during the California gold rush they were called waist overalls. Strauss didn't hit on the idea by himself,a customer from Nevada who was also a tailor approached Strauss with the concept of reinforcing the stress points with copper rivets and the rest,as they say,is history. They were originally available in indigo or brown and began to reach popularity from being seen in Western movies and eventually in other films worn on stars like James Dean and Marlon Brando.  

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Exploiting Ugly

Ugliest dog contests have been going on for as long as I remember and I have to remind myself that the dogs are enjoying the attention and don't know or care if they are the ugliest. With that said when a women went into an Arizona shelter to adopt a dog last year she was warned by the staff that Mr. Happy Face was not only ugly but also 17 years old. She knew right away he was the dog for her because he was so happy regardless of his situation so she vowed to make his final years happy. Fast forward to Friday when he was crowned "World's Ugliest Dog", as you can see he is deserving of the title. Also featured are a few previous winners. 

Saturday, June 25, 2022

What About Larry?

 Remember Larry? Larry is/was Chief Mouser at 10 Downing Street but is he retiring now that he's getting on in the years (15)? Sir Lindsay Hoyle,Speaker of the House of Commons has a new kitten named Attlee after former Labour Prime Minister Clement Attlee. Hoyle is an animal lover and along with the addition of Attlee,a Maine Coon,Boris (after Johnson) Hoyle has a parrot who talks a lot,a terrier named Betty,a tortoise named Maggie because she has a hard shell and is not turning,and previously owned a dog named Gordon,after Gordon Brown. They whole family travels home by train every weekend. You've got to love the politicians who love animals. 


Friday, June 24, 2022

Meanwhile in Brazil...

 While the US is busily resetting the clocks to 1973 prior to Roe vs Wade and opening the door for further adjustments for both control and discrimination Brazil's glam influencer,Juju Ferrari is running for parliament on a platform promising free penis enlargement as a matter of health. If anyone recalls in the last week I did a post about men's penis shrinkage around the world and the possibility it was being caused by micro plastics so apparently it's a bigger problem than I thought. Bottom line I really don't care if men have enlargements to boost their mental health so it should follow that no one should oppose women having rights to their own bodies. The US is really looking more and more "The Handmaid's Tale" which makes me extremely thankful to no longer be of child bearing age,pity those who are. 


Thursday, June 23, 2022

Fink Plamingos

 Today is Pink Flamingo Day even though I didn't list it in the monthly planner. The day was founded by a Massachusetts mayor in 2007 to pay tribute to the inventor of the plastic lawn ornaments. Plastic pink flamingos were invented by Don Featherstone in 1957 while he was working for Union Products,Don died in 2015 one day before Pink Flamingo Day. Other holidays celebrated on the 23rd include International Widow's Day, Let It Go Day,National Hydration Day,National Pecan Sandies Day,National Pink Day,Public Service Day,Runner's Selfie Day,SAT Math Day and Typewriting Day. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022


 What is the weirdest pet to reside in the White House? First you would need to define weird and that could vary from matter of opinion so for the sake of simplicity let's just name a few of the oddities. Teddy Roosevelt was know for his menagerie but there were several others with exotic animals. Coolidge had 12 dogs,a few birds,a goose,a couple of cats,raccoons,a donkey,a bobcat,a black bear,a wallaby and a pygmy hippo. Roosevelt had dogs,horses,snakes,kangaroo rats,badgers,cats,a squirrel,guinea pigs,a lion,hyena,wildcat,bears,parrots,a zebra,a lizard and a pig. JFK had several dogs,a cat,a canary,parakeets,ponies,horses,hamsters and a rabbit named Zsa Zsa. According to the stories Zsa Zsa was gifted to the first family by a magician when she outgrew his magic hat. It was also said that Zsa Zsa could play the first five bars of "The Star Spangled Banner" on a toy trumpet.  

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Raggedy Andy

 As you regular readers know I often post about strange marriages though not in a way meant to judge their choices but rather to show that it's okay to be different even though some of them are really odd. Today's post is just sad at best as this woman needs help and her family is  enabling her instead. The difference is this woman couldn't find human companionship so her mother sewed her a doll which she got pregnant with,then married,but wait,there's more! Now she is unhappy with her living doll husband because he is lazy and doesn't work...she say's that's okay she doesn't mind supporting the family. On the plus side she said she didn't have pain with her contractions and only seeing the umbilical cord,placenta and blood made it real after 35 minutes of labor. 


Monday, June 20, 2022

Strike Two

 Has anyone ever heard about the Pittsburgh Potties? These toilets are located in basements,they aren't enclosed and there are no other amenities such as sinks. The first two explanations simply don't wash for me,if you'll excuse the pun,the claim that since Pittsburgh was a steel town the man of the house would enter through the basement and change clothes and use the toilet before going upstairs so as not to bring the dirt into the living area,if that were true wouldn't there have been a sink? Same deal with the second guess which was the  area was for servant use,again they would really want them to wash their hands before say,serving/cooking meals. Making the third choice the most probable that they were damage control for when the sewers backed up which was common in the late 19th century and it was easier to clean out the lowest point rather than have the sewage spill out on the main floor,though it still seems odd to have not included a sink.