Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sing It Again

This is my something newly learned for the day: Mondegreens are an aural malapropism. Instead of saying the wrong word,you hear the wrong word. Mondegreen generally applies to song lyrics,although it can apply to any misheard phrase. The term was coined by Sylvia Wright who misheard the lyrics of "The Bonny Earl of Murray" as:
Ye Highlands and ye lowlands
Oh where hae you been?
Thou hae slay the Earl of Murray
And Lady Mondegreen.
The actual last line was "slay the Earl of Murray and laid him on the green."
The following are some misheard song lyrics for your amusement: "Dead ants are my friend,they're blowin in the wind." (real lyrics) ("The answer my friend is blowin in the wind.") "Midnight after you're wasted." ("Midnight at the oasis.") "The girl with colitis goes by." ("The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.") "She's got a chicken to ride." ("She's got a ticket to ride.") "Hold me closer Tony Danza." ("Hold me closer tiny dancer.") "Are you going to starve an old friend?" ("Are you going to Scarborough Fair?") "Baking carrot biscuits." ("Taking care of business.") "Donuts make my brown eyes blue." ("Don't it make my brown eyes blue.") "Got a lot of lucky peanuts." ("Got a lot of love between us.") "Just brush my teeth before you leave me,baby." ("Just touch my cheek before you leave me,baby.")
I hope everyone got as many laughs out of these as I did!

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