Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Not There Yet

 I've been working on what could be construed as a prejudice for overly tattooed people but I'm not quite there. I understand it's their body and everyone's tastes are different but it still feels like a kind of in your face attempt at shock. I have learned to appreciate tattoos of sentimental value and some of the sleeves I've seen are quite beautiful,actually artwork. Today I came across two different men with most of their bodies covered in ink,one is 95% covered and I see no artistic value in his ink,the other man's tats are much nicer and he used to teach kindergarten until one child complained of nightmares because of his blacked out eyes,he didn't loose his job though they just moved him to teaching ages six and up. He hopes that he is teaching students to be more accepting of people different from them so they will be more open minded as adults. So if I think his tattoos are better than the other man's tattoos does that make me judgmental? There's just no winning for me in this instance. 

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