Friday, September 25, 2020

Just Say Nuke It

 Even after the world saw the death and destruction unleashed when nuclear bombs were dropped in Japan bringing an end to WWII scientists were busy thinking of ways to use that power. The ideas were as vast as the destruction caused by the bombs. They thought they could blast deeper shipping canals (Suez was mentioned)and make new harbors overnight in places to difficult to use manpower such as Alaska. Fortunately these plans never came to fruition as more reasonable minds prevailed. Today we find ourselves placed back into those uncertain times when a world leader suggests nuking hurricanes (which was also discussed in the 40's and 50's) and other bizarre thoughts because for some reason everyone is afraid to cross this madman. So,call me paranoid,but what if he is voted out but before the next president can take the reins he decides to set off some nukes thinking him and his cronies will be safe in the bunker? Never a thought for all the death it would cause,nor for the fact that once his supplies ran out no one would be there with more. Scary day when a man such as this is in charge of a country with nukes. 

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