Sunday, May 23, 2021


 Earlier today as I was leaving the store I noticed a woman loading her groceries into her car,she had many,many paper bags which in turn made me wonder what the store charges for the bags they used to give away. Let me clarify I'm totally behind getting rid of plastic bags though I don't think that is going far enough to curb the waste since lots of people are willing to pay for the bags just for their convenience or maybe they simply don't believe the world is in a climate crisis so they don't use reusable bags as a protest against the plastic bag ban. But once again,I digress, my point,and I do have one, is if they really wanted to get serious about bags they would quit supplying them period,after a few trips to the store and having to load every item into you  vehicle one by one then repeat the process when you got home I think would convince even the most die hard denier that maybe it would be best to get some reusable bags. 

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