Saturday, January 27, 2024

Kangaroo Court?

Actually kangaroos were one animal that isn't mentioned in the animal court cases from medieval times though it was taking place in Europe so kangaroos were likely unknown. Pigs were the most common culprits as they roamed free at that time and often wreaked havoc, they were often sentenced to death for killing children. The same was true of most of the other large animals that were put on trial. The second type of trials were for smaller animals like mice, rats, slugs and flies, those animals were excommunicated allowing people to feel okay about killing them. Strange as these trial may seem they are still somewhat practiced today, sort of. In 1916 and elephant named Mary was hung using a crane in Tennessee for killing her trainer. In 2008 in Macedonia the parks services was ordered to pay $3,500 in damages to a beekeeper after a bear was convicted of stealing his honey. 

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