Thursday, May 17, 2012


As some of you know I was away for the last week. While I was gone I had a rental car,a Ford Focus,I am never picky about what kind of car I have for a rental because first of all it isn't like I have to deal with anything I don't like about it for very long and secondly it is nice to see what the different auto makers offer.
The thing I found laughably literal about the Focus was the name of the model (Focus) was prominently displayed in the middle of the tachometer,which if taken literally and you were to focus your attention there, it would not be a good thing.
The next thing I observed is something  that I have noticed in the past and can't believe the airlines are still using the same safety spiel when many people have English as a second language and in an emergency would possibly be confused. The phrase I am talking about is "In the event of a water landing (read crash) remove the life vest from under your seat (they go on to explain how to inflate it after you exit the plane) the next part is where the confusion comes in...Removing a life vest from the aircraft is a federal offense!" So if you were to take this literally would you  touch the life vest for fear of committing a federal offense? or just say screw it I'll go ahead and take my chances on drowning? There are many ways they could alter the statement that would to lessen the chances of misinterpreting it but in all the years I have been flying it remains the same. Maybe they don't figure you have a prayer in the event of a water landing? Again I realize it is all in taking it literally but it seems odd that with all the other changes that they wouldn't attend to that little detail.

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