Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What if?

I have often been told my imagination is a bit on the overactive side,and we also know I can be a bit paranoid,but those two things aside lets just think about what I am suggesting could in fact be a possibility.
In the last month I have broken two teeth,I made an appointment for the first one and had it looked at and was waiting for the next appointment to come up for it to be fixed when this morning (I was eating a bowl of soup,remember this part!) I broke yet another tooth. I called the dentist and they had an opening tomorrow and are going to take care of the first broken tooth and look at the second to decide what needs to be done. Most people at this point would probably chalk this whole tooth business up to getting older and wear and tear,all that happiness,but what if...What if over the years when the dentist did various work,lets call it maintenance,on my teeth that as way of planning to pay for his future expenses (maybe the wife will need a face lift,or the kid is going away to college) that he without my knowledge sets charges inside of my teeth that are set to go off around the times he will be needing extra money in the future,and there you have yet another explanation for how I have two broken teeth in less than a month's time! Maybe I am in denial,or maybe this is what is really going on. I think I will mention it to the dentist tomorrow,so if you don't see any further blogs from me,you will know what happened... or at least you will wonder if I was right!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe a chip or two from your broken teeth have invaded your brain "cavity" (via sinuses/nasal passages - I knew I would need to explain the trip) which in turn is activating your self-admitted paranoidal (?) tendencies and pushing them into over-active? Just a thought, lol!
    OR.....those of us who are getting long in the tooth (we who used to have gums know what this means) are just having to deal with faulty parts, sigh.
    After all that I am going to end this with the hope that your tooth repairs are not too expensive or detailed or painful.
