Sunday, July 15, 2018

Beep Beep

I was reading about a coyote and a roadrunner having a brief encounter in Arizona which was also caught on video though neither party seemed that interested in the other but it made me start thinking about the Roadrunner and Wiley E. Coyote. Everyone remembers Wiley's name but what about the roadrunner? The roadrunner was never given an official name though was sometimes referred to as "Beep Beep". I was also curious who would be most likely to come out on top of a real life meeting and sadly it would be the coyote as they can run 37 mph while a roadrunner tops out at around 17 mph. I was also thinking how like Wiley E. Coyote the current president is in that his hubris and arrogance causes him to run into sides of mountains with tunnels painted on them,as well as off cliffs out of an excessive desire to best the roadrunner. I'd like to say everyone loves a loser,but in this case it's just not true.
Roadrunner and coyote come face-to-face in Arizona

Remind  you of anyone?

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