Saturday, October 3, 2020

Santa Claus,Easter Bunny,Et Al

 Did anyone ever really believe in these characters? If I remember correctly us kids smelled a rat right away but went along with it to reap any possible rewards such as the tooth fairy pay days,but even those who wholeheartedly believed in the various myths of our childhoods had to give in to reality eventually. With those thoughts in mind how does someone who has declared the Covid pandemic a hoax,convincing his rabid followers and jeering at the people who chose to believe science instead,then in his signature fashion changes horses in mid-stream when he contracts the virus? and the followers just swallow it all up. I'm not even convinced he actually has it but instead it's another of his hand crafted lies to manipulate the masses for what? sympathy votes? or maybe it's an attempt to bow out of the race so he doesn't have to face the possibility of losing? or he will claim he isn't fully recovered only to have Pence take his place and pardon his orange ass so he can avoid going to prison once he is out of office? It's difficult if not impossible to second guess his motives when he lies and average of two times per minute. Pay attention folks. 

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