Saturday, April 28, 2012

Crossword Question

Maybe someone out there can help me out with this one,but remember in order for your comments to reach me you have to first become a follower of my blog,otherwise any comments you offer just go off into the ether, never to be read by anyone.
Since I have been retired I don't know what to call a vacation,the dictionary describes a vacation as time away from work or study for the purpose of rest and relaxation. That just doesn't work for me anymore,and not that I am complaining but it is actually harder to travel to somewhere than it is to just stay home,not only do I have to pack my things up but I have to corral the cats and take them to the kennel and drive off to wherever I am going,then when I am done with my time away I have to reverse the process when I return. I have looked through a crossword dictionary and the Thesaurus and will now list the ones I have ruled out and the ones that remain on the possible list.
The ones that have been ruled out include: rest (I get enough rest at home),recess (sounds like grammar school),leave (too military sounding),holiday (makes me think of Christmas),relaxation (same deal as rest),shut up shop(again,no shop to shut),take time out (from what?). Okay,now for the possibles: out (short and to the point),outing,nowhere to be found,away from home (a little obvious) and last but not least is respite. If I am missing a better word please feel free to offer it, I only want to not have to call it vacation as it simply doesn't fit anymore.


  1. Try going on an ADVENTURE. We all need them from time to time just to keep our minds sharp and engaged. Vacations have never been about rest or relaxation for me, it's always been about getting away from the daily grind and stimulation. When I come home I'm always exhausted but I have great memories.

  2. going to paradise - wait, that sounds a bit like islam.....never mind, lol.
