Friday, April 27, 2012


I don't consider myself an excessively lazy person,but I have never enjoyed vacuuming. My vacuum seems to have bitten its last dust which happens on a regular basis,I have long hair and long hair and vacuums are not a good combination. This last one I had high hopes for as it claimed it had a lifetime belt...of course it never specified whose lifetime. That is usually where the problem starts is the hair cuts nicks into the belt and from there it is all downhill. Cleaning the hair out on a regular basis doesn't seem to solve the problem either.
Now here is what I want to know,why can't there be a riding vacuum? I know they have big ones for industrial purposes,but why not for household use?? Everyone would want to vacuum then,I am sure even the men of the household would take a turn if it was a riding vacuum. It is the same principle as a riding lawnmower so I don't see why it hasn't been made...maybe if more men had to do the vacuuming there would be riding vacuums available wherever appliances are sold! Speaking of appliances,I always like to say that word differently so it sounds French,it would sound something like opt-lee-ance.

1 comment:

  1. Vacuums are work no matter what - riding vacuums would require oil changes, gas or battery power, and I keep thinking it would be loud. Hmmm....
