Tuesday, September 11, 2012

An Even Bigger Mess

Often times the subjects of my blogs end up being about something that just keeping turning up in my life. This time it is the bunkers that were built for all the "important" people during the cold war. Bunkers have came up in two of the last three books I have read and none are by the same authors or about the same subjects,plus it seems like I recently watched a movie with something relating to a bunker in it. With that said I will get on with what the repeated doses of bunkers made me think about.
I don't imagine all of you readers are old enough to remember the cold war,but it was a frightening time and unless you were a politicians child or a politician you could pretty much kiss your butt good-bye if the button got pushed and started WWIII. And as long as you were down there kissing your butt good-bye you could go ahead and crawl under your desk and close your eyes,because that is what we were taught to do in case the worst happened. Of course a school kid's desk and closing your eyes were an exercise in futility and neither were likely to do much good,but I don't suppose they expected anyone to live to complain about it. But none of that is the really scary part...looking back on it now as an adult what scares me worse than those scenarios is the thought of the people that potentially would have survived and therefore been the ones to repopulate the world,yes that's right imagine the utter chaos if only the world leaders,and "important" people were left to not only reproduce but then raise those children. Would they learn any values? or life skills? and if so who would they learn those from? I hope I can get this off my mind now that I have put it out there,it is enough to give me nightmares and I have plenty of those without thinking of things past.

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