Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Products Good for a few Laughs

Some of these are surprising when you find out what purpose they were originally intended for,and others were invented and no one could figure out a use for them.
When Lysol first came out in the 1920's it was marketed as a feminine hygiene product and a form of birth control. It was the leading form of female birth control from 1930-1960. The ads sited European doctors that were completely made up. Today the labels read "Do not spray on skin". Lysol's marketing team went on to promote Chesterfield cigarettes and the Ford Pinto.
Bubble wrap was one of those inventions that they weren't quite sure what to do with,but was eventually used as wallpaper,that obviously didn't work out as everyone would stay home popping their walls.
Aluminum foil was invented in 1903,but nobody figured out you could wrap food in it for two decades.
Play-Doh was invented as a nameless wallpaper cleaning compound (though I don't think it was used on the bubble wrap wallpaper!)

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I kind of like the bubble wrap wall paper. Lysol for feminine hygiene, that is frightening. I'd love to see the MSDS on that product. We've always known that Aluminum foil keeps the voices inside so no one else can hear them.
