Thursday, February 21, 2013

Food for Thought

Today's blog is one of my accidental ones...something I found while looking for an unrelated item. Most of these I have never heard of before,so count it as a learn something new day.
On an ear of corn each row will always have an even number of kernels (I will try to remember to count next time!). An American will eat the equivalent of 28 pigs in their lifetime. Garlic is not only good for repelling vampires,it is also effective against other bloodsuckers,mosquitoes and ticks. Have you heard of cooking meals on your engine's manifold? In the days of Attila the Hun the warriors preserved their meat by placing fresh meat under their saddles. As they rode throughout the day fluids were squeezed from the meat and the horse's sweat salted and removed further moisture. When they stopped at days end they had a dried and salted meal. In the Middle Ages lemon was served with fish because it was thought he juice would dissolve any bones that were accidentally swallowed. Carmel was invented by the Arabs as a depilatory (hair remover) for the women in a harem. The earliest fast food was taken from the partially digested contents of the animals the hunters killed (flashback to yesterday's python blog!).

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