Thursday, December 5, 2013

Fearless or Crazy?

At some point in the past I posted a blog about Annie Taylor a 63 year old woman who was the first person to survive going over Niagara Falls in a barrel. She had been scared stiff but needed money badly. Today's blog is also about feats of daring (or stupidity) involving those same falls. Charles Blondin's father was a gymnast who sent his boy to study his art at the age of 5. After only 6 months he made his first appearance and quickly became a favorite attraction. He progressively became more fearless and by age 35 he crossed Niagara Falls on a tightrope 3 inches thick,1,100 feet long and 160 feet about the water. To keep his audiences coming back he made several crossings,each involving a higher degree of difficulty. He crossed blindfolded,in a sack,on stilts,pushing a wheelbarrow,carrying his manager on his back,and once stopping in the middle to set up a small stove to cook and eat an omelet. His name eventually came to mean tightrope walking in some circles. Money is never mentioned as his motive,so I can't help but ask why a person would repeatedly risk their life...for fame? Is fame worth a life?

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