Thursday, May 11, 2017

Is Shorter Better?

Minds out of the gutter folks,it's not what you're thinking. Today's subject is something that drives me wild on a regular to choose the fastest checkout line. It took mathematicians to figure out what I've already been doing which is checking out how much people have in their carts or whatever they are using to get their goods to the cashier rather than just automatically getting in the shortest line.  So how do I account for my continuing bad luck when getting in line? I have no idea but the line I'm in always seems to stall out for some reason that remains unknown to me. I did pick up a helpful hint that I hadn't thought of on my own and that is given a choice of a right hand line or a left hand line choose the left since most people are right handed and tend to go into the right handed lane,which seems like the same thing as the shortest line! Back to square one.

Supermarket queue
Supermarket queues

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