Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Shades of Dune

It could very well be my over active imagination at work but after reading about the discovery that wax worms eat non-biodegradable plastic I at first felt a sense of relief which was short lived when I started grinding on what the scientists would end up with once they started tweaking the worm/caterpillar as to enable them to manipulate their appetite for plastics. The worms up to this point have been a pest for beekeepers as they eat the wax from the hives. Fisherman have been using their larvae for bait so they have that going for them as well as their plastic eating ability. Time to make the point I've been dancing around...why can't they just let them eat the plastic which would be a big stride to cleaning up some of the plastics mess plaguing the planet instead of messing with them and perhaps ending up with a creature that consumes things that the planet doesn't need help with? Maybe I need to read fewer horror novels.

Plastic bags which can take between 100 and 400 years to degrade in landfill sites. Could the worms’ appetite for plastic be used to reduce waste?

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