Saturday, July 4, 2020

Holy Crap!

A while back I did a post on a poop museum in Japan and thought at the time it was unique which is why I chose to present it. Last week in my trivia I read about another poop museum in Holland and kind of filed it away to look at a later date. Today I went back to look at that but didn't put in Holland,much to my surprise I discovered that there are several poop museums and it wasn't just a fascination with the Japanese. The UK has one as does Italy, Korea and not to be outdone by the rest of the world our very own home of the weirdness (do you need a second to think it over?) Florida has one featuring dinosaur poop which also comes in handy for studying the extinct beings. Who knew so much time and thought went into poop?
Dan Roberts, a curator for the National Poo Museum, holds a resin-encapsulated horse poo ready for display.
There are more than 20 different types of waste on display, including this sample of human baby poo.
This sample of fox poop is enclosed in a resin ball so there is no odor.
Poo Museum curators created a special poo-drying machine for all the samples.

Illustration for article titled Korea Gets a Theme Park Dedicated to Toilets and the Crap that Goes in Them
Illustration for article titled Korea Gets a Theme Park Dedicated to Toilets and the Crap that Goes in Them
South Florida Museum

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