Sunday, April 28, 2013

Christians 0,Lion 1

At least that is the score I am hoping for in an upcoming trial. A 29 year old woman was fired for becoming pregnant out of wedlock,or engaging in premarital sex,either way the end result was the same. The woman did sign a morality contract which included a provision to not engage in sexually immoral behaviour (what century is this?). At this point some of you might be thinking,well,if she broke the contract she deserved to be fired,but wait until you hear the rest of the story before you start casting stones. After the woman lost her job,they offered the job to her fiance...stop me if I'm wrong here,but wouldn't he have been every bit as immoral as the woman?
After reading further on the subject of religious schools firing employees for pre-marital sex,it turns out they are pretty much all over the board with their decisions on who is immoral and who is not. What I want to know is if they are such GOOD Christians what gives them the right to judge their fellow humans? At one school where the contract included drinking in public,sex before marriage and homosexuality a third of the faculty quit rather than signing the contract...Yeah Lions!

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