Monday, May 13, 2013


I am back from my break,no saner for my efforts,but back none the less. Let me relate some of the reasons for this lack of sanity.
Have you ever noticed how at the security stations at the airport,that regardless of how long the lines are they only seem to have two stations open? That would be acceptable if the idea was to keep the expenses of the operation down and aggravate the passengers but there are always several TSA agents that seem to be in charge of milling around. It is entirely possible that I am missing the purpose of these extra agents,but I would still rather see additional lines opened than feel overly secure due to the milling factor,but that would speed things up and cause less stress so therefore should be avoided at any cost. Another mystery to me is why is it that someone that got a 10% senior discount at the kennel when she picked up her cats would be singled out for special scrutiny time after time. This time on the departing flight I was pulled out and frisked because I had a Kleenex in my pocket,not realizing that the new equipment would detect a piece of paper I hadn't bothered to remove it. Let's just stop and consider this
for a moment...they have changed the rules so you can bring certain knives on board but a seemingly harmless woman is under suspicion of terror by Kleenex?? But wait there's more!! When going through security on the return trip I was again pulled aside and frisked (nothing at all in the pockets this time) then they went through my wallet because they thought I had more than the usual amount of coins...I wish I had been aware that there would be a scene over coins I would have given them away or checked what the proper number of coins to carry was. Even this doesn't end the flight portion of the story, while waiting to board the return flight an agent got on the intercom to announce that boarding would be delayed 10-15 minutes because they had forgotten to load the meal onto the plane!?
I really shouldn't complain about the trials of travel since many people have neither the time nor money to travel at all,but I can't help recalling the past before the restrictions were in place and changed on a daily basis so you had no idea what kind of hoops you would be called on to jump through to prove that you aren't part of a terrorist cell formed to what? Terrorize gerontophobs?

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