Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Here Kitty,Kitty

I'm not sure what to think about the Portland cat who trapped its family (including the dog) in a bedroom prompting the father to call 911 for assistance. First of all in defense of the family it is a 22 pound cat,who they claim has a history of violence and had just scratched a 7 month old baby in the the cats defense the father had just kicked the cat which was the cause of its rage and if they had previous problems with the feline why hadn't corrective measures been taken? When the officers arrived the cat ran to the kitchen and jumped atop the refrigerator (my 20 lb. cat isn't able to vertically propel his portly self as high as the clothes dryer,the fridge is totally out of the question),where they were able to snare it and put it in a carrier. The family doesn't want to get rid of the cat so they are seeking help for it...I hope they realize they will have to participate in the cat's rehab,otherwise outside training is not the answer. This doesn't seem to be a case of an animal suddenly snapping,it seems like it may have been getting its own way for some time.
Lux, a 22-pound Himalayan cat that attacked a seven-month old baby in Portland: This photo provided by Lee Palmer shows Lux, a 22-pound Himalayan cat that attacked a seven-month old baby. Portland police had to be called in to subdue the 22-pound house cat that trapped its owners inside their bedroom after attacking their baby. The baby was not injured in the Sunday, March 9, 2014, incident.House cat traps family in home

1 comment:

  1. Kate on Pine CreekThursday, March 13, 2014

    I kinda thought maybe the cat would be happier in a different home. He looks like he may be scared of people..and I wonder WHY that would be...
