Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sleep Diet

Which would you guess burns more calories,watching TV or sleeping? Believe it or not there is very little difference. A 160 pound person burns 69 calories an hour while sleeping,watching TV burns around 70 calories. A person will burn more calories sleeping if their body is cooler,so strip off those warm pajamas and heavy blankets and let your natural body heat do the work. One would also think that sleeping less and exercising instead of sleeping would work in your favor,but when your body gets less than 7 hours of sleep hormones that increase your appetite kick into high gear so not only are you likely to eat more you will also crave high calorie foods. Eating when you would normally be sleeping is another way to gain weight,the estimated weight gain from eating the same foods during your sleeping hours as compared with your waking hours is 48%! I thought this was all interesting stuff,though it never mentioned if watching action TV shows comedies,or other types of programs which tend to elevate respiration levels would burn more calories. Seems like a reasonable assumption to me.

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