Friday, June 8, 2018

Calamari Coitus

I'd never given much thought to how squids have sex until I read about a 63 year old Korean woman who had failed to remove a squid's internal organs then parboiled it for a few seconds. The woman sought immediate medical attention as the squid had ejected spermatophores into her cheeks and gums. The doctors found 12 small sperm bags implanted in her mouth. Fortunately the stinging sensation when she put the squid in her mouth caused her to spit it out,though I don't know if the sperm would have survived the acids had she swallowed. There have been other cases throughout the years when the squid aren't properly cleaned and under cooked.  When prepared in the West the internal organs are usually removed plus they are most often deep fried which I would hope would render them unable to do any sperm planting.
The sperm bags in the woman's mouth belonged to a Japanese flying squid, or Todarodes pacificus
Western calamari fans need not worry as much about falling pregnant to a squid as internal organs are usually removed before consumption

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