Thursday, December 30, 2021

Human Error

 I feel like a broken record though since people still feel they are either an exception or the wild animal they're feeding is an exception, apparently the message needs repeating. Do not feed wild animals! You are not in any way doing them a favor in fact you are more likely putting them in harms way. The latest example is a squirrel that began attacking people indiscriminately until it was finally captured by the 65 year old woman who had been feeding it since summer. The animals don't understand once one person feeds them why everyone doesn't feed them so they attack,plus they are territorial of their area and don't want other beings encroaching on their feeding grounds. This particular squirrel even ended up biting the hand that had been feeding it. The same can happen with any animals and the larger they are the more dangerous they can become. So please stop killing these animals with kindness. 

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