Friday, March 31, 2023

Bigfoot Too?

 With only rare undocumented sightings, much like Bigfoot in the western US, the ghjattu volpe or cat-fox has long been part of the island of Corsica's folklore, the mythology having them sneaking out of the forests to attack the udders of ewes and cattle. In 2008 one of the elusive critters was captured in a chicken coop which allowed scientists to take samples from the animal and trace their lineage. After the tests were completed they showed the animal was not directly related to the European wildcat but a unique species with highly developed canine teeth, shorter whiskers, wide set ears plus they measure 35 inches from head to tail with distinctive ringed tail with a black tip and short dense fur. The researchers are still collecting more data from sticks placed in the forest with feline essence on them in hopes that the animals will rub on them and leave more fur to be tested. So here's my idea...lets put up giant back scratchers in the Pacific NW and hope that Bigfoot has an itch he/she just can't scratch. 

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