Monday, September 23, 2013

How Many Times?

It happened again today on Millionaire,the $250,000 question was what was Abraham Lincoln's dog's name,as you long time readers might recall I did a blog around a year ago? on that very subject. I wish I would have thought to keep track of how many times a blog topic of mine turns up as a question on that show,of course I had no idea that it was going to become a fairly common occurrence so I never thought to write the times it did happen down. I think it has been at least 4 times now,possibly 5?
This weekend I was having lunch with a friend and as we were waiting for our orders a man in a kilt walked by,being the same sort of sick and twisted people that we both are,we wondered if he was keeping with the no underwear tradition and my friend even went so far as to hope a gust of wind came up. The real treat came on Sunday when I was out for a walk and saw a man dressed as a pirate,he looked just like Johnny Depp in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies,only he had on a light blue overcoat. Since it was too late for him to be celebrating talk like a pirate day, I have no idea why he was dressed like that. It would be fun to see more people dress differently instead of most people trying to look like everyone else...then again maybe I should be careful what I wish for!

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