Friday, September 27, 2013

The Hairy Eyeball

Today the phrase "stink eye" has seemingly replaced the once popular "hairy eyeball",but either saying conjures up an unpleasant mental picture. Maybe I am over sensitive about my eyeballs,but even if that is the case I still don't know many people that would sign up to have their eyeballs shaved. The old warning about "be careful,you'll poke your eye out" comes to mind. Though not as popular as it once was eyeball shaving is still practiced in some places in China. It is done by barbers along with shaves and haircuts. The process involves dipping a razor in clean water,holding the eyelid open with one hand and scraping the razor across the inner surface of both eyelids. After that step is completed a thin metal rod with a smooth ball shaped end is moved around beneath the eyelid like a windshield wiper,the entire process takes about 5 minutes. Some of you might be wondering what the object of this procedure is,as you rightly should. Customers claim it makes their eyes feel moist and their vision clearer. Medical professionals warn the public to be cautious of the practice,though it was widely used 60-70 years ago to scrape away ulcers and scar tissue and stimulate the eyes to produces moisture today they fear the risk of infection. I will take a pass on this one,it sounds more like a Medieval torture to me!

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