Sunday, September 22, 2013

Not For the Arachnophobic

First of all I am going to justify why I chose today's topic,though I posted a blog a few days ago containing spiders,it didn't really cover anything about the remarkable creatures. I think even the spider haters among you will agree they are pretty special. Since yesterday's blog was about the unique qualities of camel milk,I will start there. The spiders with hair on them are mammals(not in a technical sense),and like mammals they produce milk (usually cold) by using the same glands that produce the silk threads they use for webs. A single spider egg contains as much DNA as 4 humans. Spiders cannot die of natural causes,if kept safe a spider will continue to live and grow for an unlimited amount of time. In China there is a collection of 'holy' spiders around 2,800 years old. Spiders can sustain atmospheric pressure and work in a vacuum. There is a rare spider in Africa called the Snow Spider,its body is completely white but it spins a black web. Those still reading that find spiders repulsive skip this part,or risk your sanity...your call. The largest spider ever observed was over 8 feet long and weighed 530 lbs. It was immobile as its legs had broken from carrying its own weight.

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